CHARTER NO. 358935
SECTION 1. NAME OF ORGANIZATION - This civic, nonprofit corporation, organized
and existing under the laws of the State of Texas named by Article I of the charter as
Hawkins Area Chamber of Commerce, hereby adopts and incorporates as a part of these by-
laws as set forth in its Charter No. 358935 dated April 4, 1975. This period of duration of
this organization is perpetual.
Article II
organization will be maintained in Hawkins, Texas as provided in Article I of said charter.
Article III
SECTION 1. PURPOSE - The purpose of this corporation is to advance, support, and
promote agricultural, commercial, industrial, educational, residential, civic and the general
interests of the city of Hawkins, Texas and surrounding area, and to generate interest in
legislation, ecology, tourism, transportation, health, and natural resources.
SECTION 2. POLITICS - This organization will at all times be non-political. It will take no
part in any political campaigns concerning and candidates nor permit its physical property to
be used for meetings of a political nature, but will encourage its members to take an active
part in voting and keeping informed on local, state, and federal issues in an effort to preserve
and protect the competitive free enterprise system.
SECTION 1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS - The government of the Chamber, the direction of
its working and the control of its property, will be invested in a Board of Directors consisting
of nine elected members who must reside within twenty miles or work in the Hawkins area.
Exceptions to living over twenty miles must be approved by the board. One third of the
board will be elected annually for a three-year term. The Directors will have the power to fill
all vacancies on the board. They may adopt rules for conducting the business of the
Chamber. The immediate Past-President will be an ex-officio member of the Board of
Directors. Alternate position to the board was voted on August 2, 2021 if only when the
secretary/treasurer job is combined.
SECTION 2. ELECTION - The election of the Board of Directors will be held annually in
December in conjunction with the election of Officers. For election procedures see Article
SECTION 3. NOMINATIONS - A nominating committee of not less than three members
will be appointed by the President in August. This committee will present a slate of Board
nominees from the Chamber membership to the President by September 15. Nominations
will be made from the floor during the regular October Chamber membership meeting.
SECTION 4. BALLOTS - All election of directors shall be by ballot. For ballot procedures
see Article 6.
SECTION 5. QUORUM - A majority of board members (5) will constitute a quorum at any
meeting. Special business meetings when needed the quorum of (5) the president, vice-
president, secretary, treasurer will count for the quorum that is needed only for special called
business meetings and have voting rights.
SECTION 6. ABSENCES - The term of any directors having been absent three consecutive
meetings will automatically terminate, unless excused by the Board of Directors for good
and sufficient reason.
SECTION 7. TERM REPLACEMENT - If any time any officers or board members have
left due (resignation, expulsion, delinquency, death) then the directors will appoint someone
to fill that remaining term. The board members will be replaced from the alternate and then
board members will be replaced from the list of candidates from the last election. If nobody
is willing to serve from the last election then the directors will find a replacement to fill the
remaining term. If during the replacement and the vote ends in a tie then the president will be
able to cast the deciding vote. If a board member is elected to an office (president, vice-
president,secretary/ treasurer) then their remaining term will be filled from the list of
candidates or a replacement will be named.
Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any Director upon
giving all Directors 24 hours actual notice by phone or writing.
SECTION 1. OFFICERS - The Hawkins Area Chamber of Commerce will have the
following officers, whose powers and duties will be hereafter set forth as President, Vice-
President, Treasurer, Secretary. Officer terms are for one year or until a successor is elected,
to begin on January 1 following the December elections.
SECTION 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - The election of officers will be held annually in
December in conjunction with the election of Board members.
SECTION 3. NOMINATIONS - A nominating committee or not less then three members
will be appointed by the President in August. The committee will present a slate of nominees
from the Chamber membership to the President by September 15. Nominations may be made
from the floor during the regular Chamber meeting in October.
SECTION 4. BALLOTS - All voting for officers will be by ballot. The secretary is to have
the ballots for officers and directors printed and in the Chamber office by the first day of
November. Campaign speeches and electioneering will take place at the regular November
Chamber meeting. The election will take place in December with no electioneering at the
time of the meeting.
EARLY VOTING - Early voting will begin the first weekday following November 1 during
Chamber office hours. Members may go to the office and obtain a ballot from the Office
Manager. Once the ballot is completed the member should place the ballot in an envelope,
seal the envelope and return to the office manager to be held until the time of the election.
All ballots submitted for early voting must be signed by the member to ensure that only one
vote per each verified member is to be counted, all early voting ballots must be in the
Chamber office by the Friday before the election. The Office Manager will indicate on the
membership roll all ballots issued. Once issued, a replacement ballot will not be issued to
any member.
PROXY VOTING - Proxy voting may only take place at the time of the election. A member
may send his/her proxy in writing with a person who will attend the meeting and vote in the
members absence. The proxy must contain the name of the signature of the person giving
their proxy. The status as an eligible voting member of the Chamber of the person giving the
proxy will be verified by the Secretary prior to a ballot being issued to the person holding the
proxy. Proxy voting also can be done by text messages or by an email to the Office Manager
on the day of elections only. Proxy voting is only allowed twice a year for the monthly
meetings effective January 1, 2022.
MEMBERSHIP VOTING PRIVILEGES - Each individual is entitled to one vote. Family
memberships are entitled to two votes. Each corporate (business) is entitled to one vote
unless it's listed with the Office Manager with both names and will be entitled to two votes.
Any individual may vote in only one membership category.
ELECTION PROCEDURES - At the time of the election:
1.) Voting will begin 30 minutes prior to the regular meeting time to allow plenty of time
for voter verification and will continue until the vote is called by the President.
2.) The Secretary will have a current list of members at the election site.
3.) The list will already be marked indicating those members who have already voted vie
early voting or absentee voting
4.) The Secretary will verify that all those presenting proxies have eligible proxies and
issue ballots to those persons.
5.) Ballots will be submitted to a ballot box. The ballot box will be monitored by the
Office Manager during the election period.
6.) The President will make two calls for ballots at 15 minute intervals at the close of the
election period. All ballots must be in the ballot box at the final call in order to be counted.
7.) The Board of Directors will be responsible for the monitoring of the vote count.
8.) The results of the election will be announced on the day of the election upon
completion of the vote tally, which includes votes counted the evening of the balloting and
those that met the timeline for submission for early voting and absentee voting. Candidates
will be elected with plurality of the vote.
SECTION 6. ABSENCES - The term of any officer having been absent three consecutive
meetings will automatically terminate, unless excused by the Board of Directors for good and
sufficient reasons.
SECTION 7. PRESIDENT - It will be the duties of the President to preside at all meetings of
the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Directors, and perform all duties incident to this
office. The president will, subject to the Board of Directors, appoint all committees, and will
be ex-officio member of all committees. The president will present an annual report during
the February membership meeting. The president will at such times as they may deem
proper, recommend to the Board of Directors such matters and make suggestions as may tend
to promote prosperity and increase the usefulness of the Chamber.
SECTION 8. VICE - PRESIDENT - It will be the duty of the Vice - President to act in the
absence of the President, and to serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee. In the
absence or disability of the President and Vice-President, a member of the Board of Directors
will be chosen to act temporarily.
SECTION 9 . TREASURER - It will be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse the
funds of the Chamber, and serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Chamber.
They will keep all the monies of the Chamber deposited in its name, and will present an
itemized report monthly to the Board of Directors.
SECRETARY - It will be the duty of the Secretary to maintain accurate records of all the
proceedings of the Board of Directors and general meetings. The Secretary will be
responsible for the printing of all the ballots to be used in Chamber elections. The Secretary
will be responsible for maintaining an accurate list of all Chamber meetings with voting
authority. The Secretary will verify a member's eligibility to vote at the time of the election
and will issue ballots only to eligible members.
Voted on August 2, 2021 that if needed, that the Treasurer/Secretary position could be
combined, if combined and only then would an alternate be added to board.
Section 10. OFFICE MANAGER - The Office Manager will be appointed by the President.
It will be the duty of the Office Manager to maintain office hours during which phone calls,
daily maintain receipts and disbursements will be managed and disseminated. They will also
be over the Hawkins Incubator and collect rents and make sure the building is being
maintained. They will act as a goodwill ambassador for the Chamber.
SECTION 1. Any person, firm, association, corporation or organization interested in the
general development and welfare of the Hawkins Area Chamber of Commerce, and the
surrounding area consistent with Article III, Section 1, will be eligible for membership in the
Chamber. There is not a restriction as to residence of members.
SECTION 2. Membership dues will be determined by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 3. The Board of Directors will reject any applicants for membership who, in their
opinion, would not be consistent with the requirements set forth in the by-laws of the
Chamber and/or Chamber activities.
Section 4. Termination (resignation, expulsion, and delinquency)
(1)Any member may resign from the chamber upon written request to the board of directors;
(2) any member shall be expelled by the board of directors by a two-thirds vote for
nonpayment of dues after 90 days from the date due unless otherwise extended for good
cause; (3) and any member may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors, at
a regularly scheduled meeting thereof, for conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to
aims or repute of the chamber, after notice and opportunity for a hearing are afforded the
member complained against. (4) No refund of membership dues will be made upon such
Section 5. Any member who fails to pay his/her dues within two months from and after the
mailing or giving of the regular statement therefore shall be dropped from the roll of
Section 6. No member may sell, assign, transfer, or in any manner whatsoever dispose of
his/her membership in the Chamber.
SECTION 1. An annual membership meeting and awards meeting and awards banquet will
be held at a date and place determined by the Board of Directors and notice be given to the
membership in a manner to be determined by the Board. Said annual meeting will be held in
February or March of each year.
SECTION 1. The board of Directors will authorize and define the powers and the duties of
all standing and special committees except those committees whose functions are set forth in
the by-laws. Subject to confirmation by the Board, the committee will be at the will of the
President and in no event will exceed the term of the confirming President.
SECTION 2. It will be the function of the committees to make investigations, conduct
hearings, make recommendations to the Board of Directors and to carry on such activities as
may be delegated to them by the Board, and report to the Board such views as the deem
proper for its consideration.
SECTION 1. BUDGET AND FINANCE - a Budget and Finance Committee composed of
the Treasurer as chairman, and three other members of the Chamber will be approved by the
President. The committee will prepare an annual budget and advise the Board of its financial
standings and make recommendations to the Board about financial policies. It will suggest
the ways of conserving the revenues of the corporation. The committee will be approved by
the President after the election of the new Board of Directors each year. The committee can
cause the books of the Treasurer to be examined and audited at the close of the calendar year,
and will report the findings to the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - A Membership Committee will be composed
of the Vice - President as chairman, and three other Chamber members. The committee will
enlist new members, maintain an up-to-date membership list, notify current members of
renewal dates, deliver membership plaques and updates as necessary. This committee will
work with the Secretary to make sure the membership list is updated.
SECTION 3. PROGRAM COMMITTEE - A program committee will be composed of the
Treasurer as chairman along with three other Chamber members. The committee will assist
the President in developing meeting agendas. This committee will be responsible for the
Chamber Mixers.
SECTION 4. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE - A Publicity Committee will be composed of the
Vice-President, Secretary and the Treasurer. Any ribbon cuttings or grand openings will be
handled by this committee and will be their responsibility that it’s put in the local newspaper
and the chamber facebook page. The committee will communicate to the public all Chamber
activities by all means available.
SECTION 5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - An Economic Development Committee will
be composed of a chairman and three other Chamber members. The Committee will enact
the purpose of the Chamber as stated in ARTICLE III, SECTION 1.
SECTION 1. No disbursements of the funds of the Chamber other than the budgeted items
will be made unless the same will have been approved by the Board of Directors.All
disbursements will be made by check or debit card. Checks will be signed by the President,
Vice-President or Treasurer.
SECTION 1. The fiscal year will be from January 1 through December 31.
SECTION 1. The proceedings of the Chamber meetings will be governed and conducted
according to the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION 1. The By-Laws may be amended or altered by majority vote of the Chamber
members present at any regular or special meeting.
1. All dignitaries and special guests are to receive thank you notes from the Secretary.
2. The Chamber Board will select all award recipients except Fireman of the Year,
Jarvis Christian College Student of the Year, Professor of the Year, Hawkins High
School Student of the Year, and Hawkins ISD staff awards
3. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President, Office
Manager, and their spouses will occupy the head table.
4. Dignitaries who may be invited each year are as follows:
District Judges, County Judges, District Attorney, Commissioner Pct. #3, District Clerk,
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 , Wood County Sheriff, State Representative, State Senator,
Other Area Chambers
The Greater Hawkins Chamber of Commerce name has been changed and approved by
unanimous vote to Hawkins Area Chamber of Commerce.
Important Dates:
January 1
New Board members, officers, vice chairs, and all other positions assume their office
Annual membership meeting – notice must be sent at least 10 days in advance
Board of Directors meeting approves the Nominating Committee members
By September
Board of Directors meeting approves the slate from the Nominating Committee
By October
Executive Committee meeting held and candidates are declared elected or coordinate an
election by the members
Budget review and next year’s budget preparation begins.
By December
Board of Directors annual organization meeting is held to organize and install and ratify the
incoming officers, sector chairs, and all other positions. Further to review and ratify the
financial policies, budget, and plan of work